Ingyenes konverzió-
optimalizálási (CRO) kurzus
Kivételes lehetőség azok számára, akik szeretnének túllépni az átlagos konverziókon és maximális profitot kívánnak kihozni vállalkozásukból.
- Teljes mértékben díjmentes tanulási lehetőség, nálam nincs apróbetű
- Az ismeretanyag örökre a birtokodban marad
- Teljeskörű betekintés a konverzióoptimalizálás mágikus világába
- Csak 7 nap és meg van az esélyed, hogy te is a sikeres online vállalkozók közé tartozz
Hogyan kapod meg?
A következő 7 napon keresztül, e-mailben küldöm el az aznapi leckét. Minden egyes lecke olyan kompakt és izgalmas lesz, hogy csupán 20-25 perc lesz elsajátítanod a konverzióoptimalizálási (CRO) bölcsességeket.
Milyen eredményre készülhetsz?
7 nap elteltével, nem csak megismered a konverzióoptimalizálás alapjait, hanem képes leszel meg is növelni a konverziós arányt, akár 2-11%-kal, az online kurzusban levő módszertanok, stratégiák alapján.
Hányan végezték el a kurzust?
Már több 100 vállalkozóhoz eljutott az anyag, akik hétről hétre, betekintést kapva a konverzióoptimalizálás folyamataiba csökkentik az ügyfélszerzési költségeiket!
Mit jelent az, hogy egyedülálló konverzióoptimalizálási stratégiámmal meg tudod duplázni a bevételed ugyanannyi látogató mellett?
Az alábbi grafikánkon az 1. tölcsér: Konverzióoptimalizálás (CRO) nélkül - Itt az eddigi módszereid követve pl. havi 10.000 egyedi látogató esetén átlagosan 1,5%-os konverziót érsz el, azaz 150 vásárlást. Ha a kosár érték átlagosan 15 000 Ft, akkor a havi forgalmad 2 250 000 Ft. Mit szólnál, ha a bevételed növelése nem igényelne többletköltséget? Sem a hirdetések, sem a tartalomgyártás területén?
A 2. tölcsér szemlélteti, hogy itt már a Toldi Marketing módszereit alkalmazod, ami a konverziós rátát 3%-ra növeli. Ez azt jelenti, hogy a 10.000 látogatóból már 300-an vásárolnak, ami havi 4 500 000 Ft bevételt eredményez!
A tudás elsajátításához elegendő, ha feliratkozol a kurzusra! Kattints a feliratkozásra!
Vélemények rólam
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We worked together on an SEO project. He has a deep understanding of all sectors of marketing. Miki is proactive, highly skilled, fast and helpful. We liked working with him.
I worked with Miklos on several projects, and he is the best out there when it comes to Google and Facebook Ads. He understands every aspect of digital marketing, and how to conduct successful marketing campaigns according to the KPIs. I recommend him to everyone who wants to scale their business.
Miklos is a professional and easy to work with marketing expert. He is always well prepared and
really helps our company with his ideas.
Easy recommendation, he is great at what he is doing and has every quality you are looking for
in this field.
I’ve been working with Miklos for a few months now and I’ve only had positive experiences with him as he’s a great professional who is precise, dedicated and has deep knowledge in PPC. In addition, he is very helpful and kind.asd
I've worked together with Miklós in a Project Management team. He is very knowledgeable in the PPC world and is a great teammate who's work is quick, efficient and accurate. Reach out to him if you need assistance he will most likely have an answer to your question in no time!
Miklos has an excellent understanding of Google Ads and conversion-centric PPC campaigns; I highly recommend him to set up and manage Ads accounts.
What Miklos doesn't know about Google Ads and PPC in general simply isn't worth knowing.
He is a great mind in the digital marketing space, myself and my team have benefited greatly
from his valuable insights alongside some more in-depth audits that he has provided for some of
our client accounts.
I would happily recommend Miklos as a valuable asset to any digital marketing team and a worthy
choice to manage any PPC account to drive better results.
Miklos is proactive, highly skilled with a great attitude. It is always nice to work with him both on a personal and on a professional level.
Miklós is a real expert. He has helped us with SEO and ads. It is fun working with him!
Miklós is a PPC expert. I've been working with him for a 1 year. Every time an advanced level PPC question occurs he's the one that always can give useful recommendations based on his experience that he has collected throughout the years. He also always gives interesting insights and suggestions, not only in PPC related questions, but in lot of different fields, eg. landing page optimization. As a person, he is very kind and always here to help. :)
We started working together a few months ago, but our online marketing took a very good direction in a short time. He is very correct and has a lot of professional experience. We hope a bright future from him. :)
I've already heard of Miklós before and I'm very happy that we can work together on a joint project. Miklós is one of the most passionate, hardworking and dedicated people I have ever worked with. I learned a lot from him in the field of PPC, and I thank him for that here as well. Miklós is one of those rare talents in digital marketing, that knows his discipline inside out. Miklós is a huge asset for any client as his advise propels their digital marketing strategies into real success stories.
If you spend any amount of time discussing PPC with Miklos you will quickly discover that he has a wealth of information when it comes to this field. Online advertising is something Miklos has an enormous amount of experience in. No matter what kind of account you're looking for help with you can expect a high quality analysis with clear, actionable recommendations.
We really like working with Miki. What I particularly like is that he is solution-focused, very experienced in digital solutions and PPC and he in addition he is a really cool guy.
I had the pleasure of working with Miklós in 2022. We needed immediate assistance with one of
our clients and he was quick to help us. The project involved some hands on PPC mainly on the
client's Google and Facebook Ad accounts.
Unfortunately the project had to be cut short, but Miklós showed some great potential. We would
happily work him in the future again.